The folowing is my analysis descripted in open sources. I live in Saint-Peterburg and I've been well watching the world current events for 15 years. I try do it deeplier than the media does. I am interested in analizing based on some facts and it was one of reasons why the journal 'PsychoSearch' has been founded. My wife was born in Ukraine's Hostomel. She would be in Ukraine now if her father in the time of the dissolution of USSR had broken the laws of USSR and hadn't gone back to Russia. My friends' relatives live in Ukraine. I worry about ukrainian events, it is painly to me to see the innocent people martyred, wounded, killed.
The possible and the impossible events from the laws' viewpoint and in interpretating
The mathematic possibility of appearing two independent events in the same time equals the result of multiplication of these events' possibilities. The appearing of three events means the result of multiplication of the possibilities of these three events and so on. The more events don't contradict the reality, the more the facts confirm it, the possiblier the picture of the world these events depict.
A concept 'evidence' includes the information on basis of which one can makes clear the presence or the absence of circumstances which need for evidences [1]. An objective evidence or an witnessing of some event may be a sum of facts or a mathematically impossible chain of evidences, i. e. of the events which couldn't happen by a different reason because of lower possibility of them. I can give the examples from a scientific consent in the physics of the space. When the number of even the indirect evidences reach some level, for examples about the age of the universe, one should 'guess' no more. After obtained that level of evidences our mind reconstructs and views a theory as a evidence, an objective event or trustworthy information. We start view a sequence of events as more possible and we don't change an image of the world until the new data arises that changes a sum [2] of stability of a mental building.
Freedom is a supreme value
One can give many arguments and say many words why freedom a supreme value is. I want to say it is a obvious evidence to me and to the people like me. For all times there were the people who died, die, and will die for Freedom so namely it's a supreme value. It's worth to live or to die for it. Lives of many people are senseless without freedom.
Military conflict in Ukraine
If viewed modern history from the viewpoint of a struggle of elite groups, not some individuals, it would be understandable some decisions, illogical at first sight. By elite one may mean some extraordinary people tied with a government. The absence of national elite and a independent foreign policy makes possible for a different stronger state to show and realize a neocolonial policy [3] and to take over a weaker country by internal mechanisms of government managing like bad laws, models of taxing, foreign debts, non-benefit agreements with foreign corporations, corrupted officials and the other instruments for robbing.
The strategy on taking over a state with the help of foreign debt is best depicted in a book of John [4] Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Methods of operating of World bank and other financial organizations are too simple. They involved a country in debt through investment projects on construction which the true beneficiars of are whether the local corrupted pseudo-elite or foreign corporations. The payment for these debts become a simplified mode of production export, establishing the military bases, and the loyalty of the government.
If a corruption plan with pseudo-elite wasn't managed to establish in a colony country because of the strong patriotic national elite, an 'orange revolution' starts inside this county. There are many examples like that in history, I can give some famous ones.
The first widely known state-victim was Iran in 1953. A democratically chosen president
Mohammed Mosaddyk made a rightly taxing politics in relate to US oil companies' income, but he was overthrown by a agent of CIA Kermit Roosevelt junior through a coup-d'etat [5]. It is wasted for this operation less money (a few million dollars) so these operations has been acknowledged to be extraordinary effective. Later in 1954 the same happened with a president of Guatemala who tried to make some progressive reforms, he was overthrown in result of a military riot led by CIA [6].
Recently Defend democracy's publicated that in UK was unclassified the data about a key role of MI-6 force in organisating of a coup-d'etat in Indonesia in 1960s [7].
The New York Times under «Working in Secret» article says in June of 1964 that US intellengent agencies make 'an operating activity' (interpreting this activity as a distruction of the footing of foreign nations) all over the world. Do you think they changed their opinion and ceased to do it? David Vise's book «An invisible goverment» about the intellengence of US was publicated co-authored with Thomas Ross in 1964. It discovers some facts about CIA's activity on taking over power in many states and later this information was publicated by LA Times.
President of Ecuador, Himeh Roldos Agilera, who tried to make an independent policy about his country's resources, has died in during the flight in 1981. Omar Torrikhos, president of Panama, took back the panaman canal to the hands of his nation and wanted to take it out of debts so that to make the country the independent but he died in a catastrophy in 1981.
In Venezuela was happened a coup d'etat in 2002 that was beginning in some street disorders held a several thousand people thereby trying to demonstrate that the president Hugo Chaves isn't popular in fact. TV showed the situation as if this pleasedlessness has passed through the whole country. But Venezuela became the first country where the mechanisms of coup-d'etats have been stopped and his national elite could been won.
In middle east an bright sample becomes Saddam Husein who makes a sovereign policy and is uncorruptible. Then in 1991 happened a military operation against him in Iraq. Military force realize third methods of conquest of power and independence. If money and the assassinations do not help, a campaign is beginning. Security services of Saddam Husein have well operated and prevented his murder, Iraq again starts his sovereign policy and then in 2003 happened a falsification about a supposed chemistric weapon. It followed by a military invasion and murder of Saddam Husein in 2006. Thus it may be seen on the samples of Iraq and Lybia all of three models. Forty models of taking power is an alternative to third one, it was demonstrated in Chechnya and Syria (in part in Lybia) when so-called revolt armies overthrew a legal government by a military way.
Remarkably to note that to work through CIA agents is dangerous because they can be caught and then maybe disclosing their plans so the opposition became to get money through IMF, World bank, democracy funds, and later incommercial organizations and nowadays cryptcoins and high-frequent private donates in a little of sum of money.
One can make familiar to the activities of incommercial organizations in relation of Russian Federation in the public reports. Regularly since 2017 Concil of Federation's commision observes the facts of interference to internal affairs of Russia.
Let's think after all facts of these who is a beneficiar of the unjust war between slavic nations. I will mention some theses that I cannot consider just to be a 'theories'. A mind says these is not just a accident confluence of circumstances.
War in Ukraine is an arena, in which fate of full independence for Russian Federation (including economically) forms and New world order parallels. To me an evidence for that was an event chain that could not be appeared accidently under reasons other than descripted above:
- Ondecember, 8 in 1991 the Beloya Vezha treaty was signed. In fact it meant the dissolution of USSR and the loss of our freedom and the independence to the world elite groups. It takes years as long as Russians can understand themselves cheated but in the same time will circulate an order overocean for 'a victory in Cold War'. We entered Fed. Reserve (that is under the influence of a different country) but did not obtain the promised profit for our economy. The only method to take back the independence is to change all these treaties and agreements. New agreements should be signed also in the Beloya Vezha symbolizing the denounciaon of our capitulation.
- InRussian constitute writted with the help of americans in 1993 has been fixed the status of our nation as a colony of West elite groups, World laws stand above Russian laws. An citation: "If an international law for Russian Federation sets the rules other than our law sets, the rules of the international law should be apply [9].”
- In december, 31, 1999, the president Boris Yeltsin said: "I'm leaving' and he hand the reign over Vladimir Putin. The euphoria of Yeltsin about the friendship between Russia and USA went away. Instead the insight about our robbered arise. In the conception of the West, a new world should be built at the expense of Russia. The true Yeltsin differed from his TV's form. The memories of the head of economic managing prove it: for years he send to Yeltsin thousand writtings about some economic projects and two only left without answering. Yeltsin was enough 6 years to make the only right desicion to hand all issues over to a succesor out of elite of our special seevices who didn't want to give up.
- Onapril 20, 2000 the chechen war came to end. The CIA sponsored bands tried to destroy Russia inside with terrorism and separatism but they've been anihillated. The support of chechen bands from USA expressed openly in the west media, the west journalists call them 'fighters for independence', 'heroes', and even 'chechen dissidents'. In a village Makkhety, veden distruct of Chechnya was found a safe of Shamil Basayev with unnumerical documents [10]. Among them there was a writting that read obtaining $700.000 from an organization registered in USA. It is worth to note that the transaction was made in 1999, not long before the invasion of bands to dagestan. CIA acted through funds but publically declared wars [11]. For example, early in 1990s a depute director of CIA in US national intellengent council Graham Fuller openly writted in one of his articles: "Policy of managing of an evolution of islam and help them in the struggle against our enemies was perfectly working against Soviet army in Afganistan. The same may be usefull to destabilize the rest of russian government..."
- In 2003 Mikhail Leonidovich Khazin and Andrey Borisovich Kobyakov publicated a book "Sunset of the dollar empire and the End of 'Pax Americana'" discripting in detail the mechanism of the partition of the Bretton-Wood system into currency areas and a new economic order that would expect us in the future. Also there has been discripted the global crisis in relate to the structure of the Bretton-Wood system[12].
- In 2007 in USA the documentary movie "Zeitgeist"[13] issued. The movie speakes how it is made revolution all over the world with the help of FedR and the soros fundation. The appearing of such the movie and other materials result in the establishment of the largest movement in US history "Occupy Wall Street" and the mass demonstrations on Wall Street in 2011 put down brutally [14,15].
- In2011 Victor Pelevin issues a book "S.N.U.F.F.", where he spoke in detail about the war in Ukraine descripting it in an image of "a bloody circus". The appearance in fiction an image like that is an evidence of that our elite couldn't not to know where was ukrainian discource go.
- In2011—12 the reforms of internal affairs and military forces ministries hold. In 2014 made our own system of transferening of financial messages (SPFS).
- In2014 a founder of a private intellengent agency "Stratfor" George Fridman lectured about the coming war conflict in Ukraine. Especially I recommend to turn your attention on his book about geopolitics.
- In2016 Victor Pelevin issues a book "a lamp of Mathusail or the Last battle of chekists against masons" in which ironically in postmodern style discripted a conflict between the British, US and our intellengence around "Khuptsi of FRS" and secret groups. Fearly there it is playing a scenario of breaking out of a nuclear war and applying a system "Perimetr". The appearance the images like these in fiction is a influence of the culture of confrontation which is not said about openly. Everyone understands everything.
- In2018 Putin anounced to supply the army the hyper-sounded weapon. The construction of such weapon which do not have his counterparts in the world, and especially the supply it to military forces means that such a step is a part of a long-term strategy (because the period of construction takes about 10 years). Complex like Kinzhal will able to overcome the defence of bunkers made against a nuclear war, because of his speedness. It means that some elite groups who want to declare war on us there will not be the opportunity to leave the punishment, it is in its turn a key argument about the necessary of agreeing in the world and to separate the spheres of influence and not to try to decompose Russia inside with war conflicts.
- In 2020 after a referendum, the amendments were taken to RF constitute, changed the position on international relationships. This text in his sense declares the sovereignity of Russia from before imposed restrictions. To article 79 entered a addition: "The decisions of international structures adopted on basis of international agreements of Russian Federation in their interpretation contradicting the constitute of Russian Federation should not be executed in Russian Federation." It is explained in detail under point 79.1: "Russian Federation supports and reinforce international peace and safety and peacefull co-existence of nations, and rejects interference in internal affairs of nations"[16].
- On february 4, 2022, China and Russia made a agreement about united antimonopoly activities which read the world economy would a different, de jure this was a partition into currency centers and a refusion from a single center of emission. In the agreement is descripted in detail new world order which different large countries in the future would have to enter.My foretelling below based on that new world order is already written and now all who is disconsented have to go through all five famous stages of adoption.
- On february 24, 2022, the special military operation starts. By fifty day of the conflict our system of transferring bank messages founded in 2014 successfully began to work instead of SWIFT. The press of the West issues materials (predicts) about the sooner conclusion of the military operation. Demonstrative applying of hyper-sounded weapon destoyed bunkers in which the enemy elite mean to hide is a key argument of that they have to negotiate with us and it is not need to apply nuclear weapon against Russia.
- Third round of talks in Beloya Vezha forest gave no results. Possibly it was because of a foregoing murder of one of members of talk group, tied with bankers and financial streams. The meeting in Beloya Vezha forest is a signal to the world about that the changing of 1991 agreements goes. The signal is distributed by the global media which a mention alone of this location ('a portal to the paralleled world') let everybody who is strong about history (national elite) understand what happened actually.
- On march 31, 2022, the president signed an special edict about payment for gas by foreign customers. This is already de facto a partitation of global economic system into areas. Vyacheslav Volodin declares our economic sovereignity would be impossible without this step. Bretton-Woods system begins to dismember not only theorically but also in practice now. The system lasted more than 70 years now should be reformed.
The events worth to note happened more than any edition may place in. As far as I think, it's quite enough the above mentioned. A individual event means nothing but put together they say about we lost our independence in 1991, then tried to return it by the rules of foreign elite groups but the result was changing agreement with foreign elite group after the war in Ukraine. Foreign elite groups tried to involved european in the war against Russia but they failed. In the battlefield became clear that Russia would win sooner or later. We reestablished our independence and foreign elite groups have to negotiate with us.
The special operation led by Putin and our elite lasts more than 30 years. In a historical prospective Vladimir Putin may be compared to Plutarch's Lykurgus. Namely Lykurgus with the help of laws gave to Lacedaemon a high standard of life during 300 years and make Lacedaemonians strong to they themselves was safe but not to discriminate the rights of other people
This is what Plutarch writes:
Not that this was Lykurgus's main object, that his country should dominate over as many other states as possible; but seeing that, in states as in individuals, happiness is derived from virtue and single-mindedness, he directed all his efforts to implant in his countrymen feelings of honour, self-reliance, and self-control. These were also taken as the basis of their constitution by Plato, Diogenes, Zeno, and all who have written with any success upon this subject. But they have left mere dissertations; Lykurgus produced an inimitable constitution, confuted those who complained of the unreality of the 'Essay on the True Philosopher,' by showing them the spectacle of an entire city acting like philosophers, and thereby obtained for himself a greater reputation than that of any other Greek legislator at any period... Both evidently encouraged the spirit of independence and self-control among their people, while of other virtues, Lykurgus loved bravery, and Numa loved justice best; unless indeed we should say that, from the very different temper and habits of the two states, they required to be treated in a different manner. It was not from cowardice, but because he scorned to do an injustice, that Numa did not make war; while Lykurgus made his countrymen warlike, not in order that they might do wrong, but that they might not be wronged. Each found that the existing system required very important alterations to check its excesses and supply its defects. [19]
The problems in Russia and the tasks for the future:
- Independence and freedom of speech in media have an unprecedened level now in Russia. Many people didn't support the special operation and openly declared it in media. At my sight, these people just don't understand the whole picture and sincerely misconcept. Our task is to reconvince them, show the facts, these are our people who have been misinformed by a group of neocolonizers and different centers of information and psychological operations.
- Independence Russia from the West was predictible. The changing of global market and ruble prices will well influent on the skeleton and income of our economy. Economic increase in our country will by many years surpass that of other countries, what in his turn let us develop a economic sector of high technologies. By a rate of Pavel Ryabov, an independent financial analysist, since 2013 our real increase is only 8%.
- The main task of our in the future is a exploration of our own territories, a establishment of kind relationships with the world, the development of industries and the struggle against poorness.
Our tasks in relation for our neighbors and compatriots:
- We must convince foreigners they are misinformed and Russians are not enemies. It is necessary to separate the motives of the ruling elite from the thoughts misinformed peaceful citizens. It is necessary to act flatly and continously giving to people the facts who are misinformed by media becoming an instrument in the neocolonic policy of superpowers and corporations.
- We must convince our people, misleaded, leaving for abroad in the search of the best life to return and to speak to them for what reasons Russians are poor. I'm now writting it in detail and with the links in foreign sources especially for our young people become victims of a propaganda of totalitarian liberalism. Today economic situation will get better year by year and the middle standard of life will increase. We need every man who will create a new friendly democratic Russia.
What expects us in the future in the globe:
- In Europe and USA will happen economic problems and Russia'll help them to decide the problems supplying energy and the production. A split of the West elite give sooner or later peaceful cooperation.
- In UN will be taken the resolution condemning military crimes of ukrainian soldiers.
- In Europe and USA will happen a gradual return to traditional values in the framework of new world order.
- In Russia there will be a tax reform, reforms of education and medicine.
- In Russia the force of laws will inthrone, gradually the problems will be solved and unjustices will be corrected. Friendly relationships will being establishmed with all the world on the principle of the equality of all before the law.
- In Russia the corruption issue of a state budget will be solved.
- In Russia a number of state corporations will appear, for example, a construct, for antimonopolic managing price.
- Russia will go in progress technologically. The Russian world'll become soon rich and attractive, the standard of live of Russians will increase together with economy.
- Russia will explorer his own territories and correct demographic policy. We will convict people that the future is for a friendliness of people and a economy oriented on resources.
- Vladimir Putin will enter history as a peacekeeper. Sometimes people have to go to a war for peace and thousands may die for lives of a hundred thousand. Life and freedom are worth to fight for.
The picture of the world based on facts allow to make the forecasts that comes true. When my forecasts come true, this will once again confirm listed above. Learn some facts personally and learn the points of view of both of sides of a conflict. If you agree with me, send this article to your familiars abroad or to people who do not know. In what world we will live and as sooner we enter the world without wars and terrorism it is depend on our influence together. Bring your contribution into a information war. We, people of different nationalities, are not enemies to each other. People were just misinformed, we must remember about seeds of conflicts and about these who reap the fruits and always to leave a possibility so that people change their opinions by the influence of evidences. Give the facts, convict and then we will have lived in a better world.
- Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, Article 74
- Chernov A.V. «The critical sum of proofs for the stability of intellectual constructs»
- Definition of the term neocolonialism
- Perkins John «Confessions of an Economic Killer», 2004
- James Risen «Secrets of History The C.I.A. in Iran The Coup First Few Days Look Disastrous», 2000, The New York Times
- CIA's declassified documents on Guatemala CIA Documents Chronicling the 1954 Coup
- «British struggle for democracy in Indonesia», 2022
- Timeline of United States military operations
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 15.4
- «Payment for terror», 2017 RIAnews
- WilliamF. «Why on Earth Does George Soros Want Xi Jinping to Go?», 2022,Engdahl
- Khazin M. L. and Kobyakov A.B. «The decline of the dollar Empire and the end of "Pax Americana"»
- Peter Joseph «The Spirit of the Times»
- Megan Kelly and Putin «Occupy Wall Stree»
- «Occupy Wall Stree»
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation as amended
- Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People's Republic of China on cooperation in the field of Antimonopoly enforcement and competition policy dated February 4, 2022
- Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on international relations entering a New Era and global sustainable development
- Plutarch «Comparative biographies»
- Interview with Anatoly Livri, Professor at the Sorbonne University
- «Centers of information and psychological operations», 2022, RIA news
- Pavel Ryabov
- The Great Currency Reset And Why Europe Is Trapped
- Former FBI Intel Chief Says 2016 Clinton Campaign ‘Made Up’ Trump-Russia ‘Collusion’
- Journalist Andre Berkoff on Nazism and how he witnessed war crimes in Ukraine
- Preliminary report of the Federation Council Commission
- «Working in Secret», 1964, New York Times
- «Talker, author, censor, spy», 2007, Los Angeles Times
- Interview with George Friedman
- Chapter from the book by George Friedman
Thursday, June 09, 2022
Author: Alexander Chernov, Editor-in-Chief of PsychoSearch Magazine
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